Diabetik Foot Care India Pvt Ltd is a manufacturer and exporter of medical devices for the management of diabetic foot and its complications. Our products are working in as many as 34 countries. Most of the leading institutions treating diabetes in India are our clients. Our Product Range: Handheld Vascular Doppler, Vascular Doppler Recorder for ABI/TBI, Automatic Vascular Doppler Recorder for ABI/TBI, Digital Biothesiometer, Podiascan, Foot Scanner, Pedography, Plantar Scan Systems, tcpO2, Monofilament 10gm, Neuropathy Therapy Stimulator, IR Light Theraphy, Podiatry chair and instruments are our major products. Should you need any suggestions and corrections please contact our mobile/WhatsApp - +91-9382206047.
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